Minggu, 11 Oktober 2020

My Sundays

Sunday Sunny Day!
Sunday was always be a good day, bright day, sunny day.

But, in the other hand, Sunday was always be the day when all memories just come up in my mind
Because, Sunday was so meaningful for me, and my family...

We often travelled together, we ate together, eh firstly
We went to the church together.... Sunday morning was always be a super busy day
But we enjoyed it, because our beloved father played the "Sunday Songs" in "Sunday Playlist"
What about your Sunday?

Sunday was always be a cheerful day with cheerful people
As if My Sundays could be repeated again

I will never forget my Sundays
I will never forget how grateful I was, to spend my Sundays with beloved people

Why, my memories just couldn't accept if we are in incomplete formation?
Why as human, I long for a complete members?
Why as human, I reject about lost? or..... gone?

Sundays will always be sweet for me
Sundays will always be bitter too

I miss my Sundays that have passed...

Sabtu, 06 Juni 2020

Covid-19 and Me | Pingkan Podung


6th day in the 6th month, 158th day in year 2020
61st day after I was back from Wisma Atlet Kemayoran, Jakarta, joined Covid-19 Volunteer for 2 weeks there.

How's life? How are you? How's your quarantine?
Well, first, I give thank to God, because He gives me health, happiness, and everything I need.
I can breath well, I can have a contact with beloved people, and just do daily activites with joy and gratitude.

I am arrived in the moment of - reflection - about 2,5 months after the government of Jakarta and my corporate where I work, decided to apply PSBB (kind of Lockdown, but it's called Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar), what have I done these days?

We are taught to be grateful in every way of our lives, yes I do. But, I've been, and still I am, thinking about I've wasted my meaningful time with un-necessary activities. But that's my life, and that's me.

By this writing I'm just realized that, as long as we do everything with our heart to help others, to share with others, and the main thing - making us closer to our Creator, I should be thankful of that.

Well, we can do and explore a lot of new things to do, and it's so challenging yet so fun, to do something we've done before.

Most of my time I spent in my lovely-tiny-indekost room, it's like a "cave" but, I spend a lot of my time during Covid-19 there. And I (and we) should to #dirumahaja #stayathome

In this moment, I learn a lot of things to be reflected and evaluated :

1. My praying time / "Saat teduh"
Am I getting closer to Him? If when I was so busy with my work at office, I often give a reason, I have limit time to do that, or prayer is just a routine for me ... And now, I am reminded again, this 2,5 months should be a very good time and chance to be closer to God. Whatever our religion is, we have the same 24 hours a day in life.

2. Bible Reading
It's almost 2 months, I need to take back my Bible Reading Schedule on the track (praise God, finally!) With #WorkFromHome / #WorkFromKost should make me more diligent to read. Consistency, diligent, and discipline are very needed in our daily lives.

3. Services
Yes, some of public places are closed, included all churches, mosques, temples, etc. We do praying, worshipping, Sunday Services at our own homes.
Livestreaming via YouTube, via Zoom, Video Call, and personal worshipping in private room, become a new way to worship God, in this moment. Yes, eventually, "worship" is not just about I go to the religious places, but about my heart - me - myself as a church (I am Christian) and implemented by my daily activity and when I interact with others.
Nice though, yet not too be surprised, because we have done - praying and singing together via video call - get closer for far away.
Keep shining through whatever we do!

4. Books Reading
Even I think, I wasted a lot of my time, I should admit that in this 2 months I've read some good books ^_^ Not just read, but also share with friends and beloveds ones, makes me so happy.
- Selamat Berteduh (Selamat Series by Andar Ismail)
- Selamat Berkiprah
- Selamat Paskah
- Selamat Memanusia
- Selamat Ribut Rukun
- Selamat Berkerabat
- Selamat Pagi, Tuhan
- Selamat Mengikut Dia (on going)
- #MO - Mobilization & Orchestration by Rhenald Khasali (on going)
- Perbuatan Sederhana yang Mengubah Dunia
- Menebar Kasih Kristus Bagi Sesama (on going)
- Atlas dan Sejarah Alkitab by Paul Lawrence - BPK Gunung Mulia (on going)
- Tokoh-tokoh Dalam Sejarah Gereja (on going)

Book stores give discount for online transaction, so HAPPY READING everyone!!!

5. Gifts Sharing & Donation
This pandemic - Covid19 is not just a good chance for us to reflect and improve ourselves, but more than that, I prefer to share and give. Not just to the ones we know, but to the ones who need.
Give a little help for the ones who need, give a little chance, time, energy, little attention, powerful words, sweet smiles or even ourselves to serve others. This is the time! A whole of our lives in this earth is the time!! This moment of pandemic creates more spaces to us to be more creative and color the days with happiness and joy of giving :)

6. Entertainment
We know ourselves, what we do to release the bored-feeling during this pandemic.
From the end of April - May - and now June, my corporate where I work, gives me chance and also the whole employees in Head Office, to work from office by Shifting and do everything based on Covid-19 Protocol. So, day per day, we work from home then office then home and next.

Playing music instruments, do music ensemble, featuring some friends and sisters, eat favourite foods (and also snacks), at least I've tried to make an Oreo Cake, my 1st and only haha!, buying online (oooo I should stay away of this :p), attend some Webinar/Daring - many online classes offers great topics to be known and discussed (not just Webinar, lots of meetings at office now via online), and then YouTube surfing, and watching
dramas! (Currently I watch Korean and China Drama) yihaaa
- Crash Landing On You (done)
- Hi Bye Mama (done)
- Secret Garden (half)
- The King : Eternal Monarch (on going)
- 100 Days My Prince (done)
- Itaewon Class (Ep.1)
- A Love So Beautiful (done)
- Reply 1988 (now)

I learn, everyone has their own way to face this Covid-19. I can't compare my self to others, we all try to keep productive and creative during this time.
But, we inspire each other by what we do, and keep spreading positive ideas!
I learn a lot from what I see, what I click, what I listen to, what I read, and what I feel.

So, for you who read this blog, I pray for you to stay healthy with your family,
wash our hands often, eat good foods, workout enough, and keep doing your favourite things to be more skilled and the most important thing :
be closer to our Creator - and serve others by our own ways. God bless you all.

In lovely indekost,
Still grateful,

Podungmy :)

Rabu, 15 April 2020

Relawan Covid-19 | Pingkan Podung

Apa kabarnya semua? Sampai hampir lupa kalau hari ini hari Minggu :")
Soalnya sedikit berbeda, karena hari Minggu tanggal 29 Maret 2020 ini, saya (dan banyak jemaat) melakukan ibadah secara online.
Ini merupakan Minggu ke-2 ibadah dilaksanakan demikian. Mengapa?
Karena dunia, pemerintah Indonesia, sampai sinode GPIB sepakat bahwa ada pandemi yang terjadi pada Saat ini : Corona Virus Disease 2019, yang mulai menyebar dari Wuhan, Cina dan sampai blog ini ditulis,  (Summer : Worldmeters) ada 198 negara terkonfirmasi kasus positif Covid-19 dengan jumlah kasus 467.520 kasus yang terkonfirmasi dengan 21.174 orang meninggal dunia, dan 113.808 pasien sembuh, sehingga dengan itu dinyatakan Covid-19 sebagai pandemi. Masyarakat pun dihimbau untuk #dirumahaja #socialdistancing dengan meminimalisir aktivitas luar ruangan dan kontak dengan orang lain. Yang paling terasa adalah, aktivitas peribadatan di rumah ibadah ditiadakan, sampai akhirnya banyak bermunculan YouTube channel dari beberapa jemaat cereja agar dapat mengakses secara live streaming  atau menonton video rekaman.

Terus? Biar gak bingung, pingkan ajak flashback ke beberapa waktu yang lalu ya.
Kalau gak salah, pingkan dapat WA dari kak Jacqueline pada hari Kamis malam, 19 Maret 2020 tentang open recruitment  Volunteer Kementerian BUMN melalui FHCI, dan ternyata direspon positif oleh kantor hingga akhirnya mencoba mendaftar pada Hari Jumat, 20 Maret 2020. 
Saat itu, tidak mudah. Ada yang mendukung, ada kurang setuju. Namun, saya memantapkan hati hingga akhirnya pingkan diminta untuk ikut tes MCU pada Hari Sabtu, 21 Maret 2020 di Wisma Atlet tower 3.
Proses berjalan dengan lancar, dan beruntungnya pingkan dan teman-teman 1 kantor, didukung penuh oleh DirSDM Pegadaian Bpk. Moh. Edi Isdwiarto yang pada Hari Sabtu pun datang untuk me monitor penyelenggaraan acara. Dilanjutkan pada hari Minggu, 22 Maret 2020 kami diberi penyuluhan tentang Langkah Cuci Tangan dan Penggunaan APD. Semua terjadi begitu cepat, hingga akhirnya pada hari Senin, 23 Maret 2020 diberi waktu untuk mempersiapkan keperluan selama kurang lebih 14 hari program (+14 hari karantina)  program Volunteer Covid-19 ini.

Yeayyy tiba di Hari pertama #RelawanCovid19
Hari Selasa pagi, 24 Maret 2020, pukul 06.30 berangkat dari kost tercinta, dengan penuh semangat dan rasa deg-degan akhirnya kami Batch 1 Tim 1 berjumlah 28 bertemu secara langsung dan mengikuti proses perkenalan sedikit tentang program ini dan apa saja yang dikerjakan selama program.

Ketemu teman-teman sesama relawan yang tergabung dalam 1 kelompok 28 orang (minus 1, ada yang mengundurkan diri)
Cukup menegangkan bagiku masuk ke area peperangan ini, kemudian pada siang hari akhirnya muncul titik terang, pingkan bersama 7 rekan lainnya masuk ke bagian Logistik (food supply), kemudian 15 orang masuk ke Bagian call center dan 5 orang sebagai admin.

Dari Pegadaian : Pingkan, Fajar, Firgin, Zaqia, + Novi, Fitri, Dian Nita, dan Jesika.
Mulai dari Hari pertama (24/3) Sampai Hari ini (29/3) secara umum berjalan menyenangkan.

Dan waktu terus berjalan. Tak terasa  tiba pada perpisahan, tunai sudah bakti kami selama 14 hari (24 Maret 2020 - 06 April 2020)
Selamat melanjutkan perjuangan ya, kepada relawan Tim 2.
Semoga pandemi ini segera berakhir.

Untuk lebih jelasnya,  yuk lihat kegiatan kami dalam video di bawah ini.

Untuk semua pengalaman berharga ini,

Saya bersyukur.


*tulisan ditulis 29 Maret 2020, dan diselesaikan pada 15 April 2020.

Jumat, 14 Februari 2020

Selamat Hari Kasih Sayang

14 Februari 2020
Gak ada kaitan langsung dengan topik blog sih, cuma memang foto selfie ini diambil pada pagi hari tanggal 14 Februari 2020  saat blog ini ditulis hehe

Yups, hari ini diperingati sebagai hari kasih sayang atau hari Valentine, bagi sebagian orang yang merayakannya.

Merayakan Valentine itu, bukan hanya tentang menerima
Menerima hadiah
Menerima bunga
Menerima coklat
Menerima surat cinta
Atau menerima kejutan

Seperti esensi cinta kasih yang adalah memberi
Kita dapat memaknai hari kasih sayang ini dengan memberi
Memberi bukan hanya saat kita berkelebihan
Memberi bukan hanya saat kita berkelimpahan
Memberi dalam keadaan kekurangan, tetap bisa!

Apa yang bisa diberikan?
Waktu, tenaga, dukungan, energi, kuota, materi...

Hari ini, bagiku sama seperti hari - hari lainnya
Hari menaburkan kasih sayang kepada setiap orang - orang yang kutemui dalam hidupku
Hari dimana aku berpikir, bagaimana setidaknya bisa meninggalkan senyuman kecil
di wajah setiap orang yang kutemui hari ini

Hari ini, ku bertemu dengan seorang bapak tua (pemulung) yang berjalan lewat depan kantorku
Ah, cerpen karya Oinike Frince sebagai kado ulang tahunku, terus saja menghantuiku
Ah, kok bisa ?

Jika memang bertemu bapak itu, aku akan berbagi sedikit dari apa yang kupunya

dan ya, rasanya, kita bisa memberi di tengah kesederhanaan kita itu, sungguh menyenangkan!

Selamat merayakan Hari kasih sayang
selamat berbagi kepada sesama
selamat berbahagia! ^___^

Jumat, 24 Januari 2020


Hidup ini diisi dengan bekerja
Setiap hari ku melihat setiap orang

Setiap wajah
Setiap raga
Di sudut kota

Berjuang, bekerja, rela melakukan apa saja untuk bertahan hidup

Apa yang mereka cari?
Rela kehujanan
Rela kepanasan
Rela kelelahan
Rela kelaparan
Rela untuk menahan semua hal yang membuat tubuh sungguh tak naman

Langkah demi langkah ditempuh
Untuk memberikan sepiring nasi
Kepada keluarga yang sedang menunggu

Jika tidak bekerja,
mau makan apa?

Tak elok menyepelekan apapun jenis pekerjaannya
Bukankah, yang dikatakan halal itu jika menikmati hasil keringat sendiri?
Bukankah dalam bekerja, berbahagialah mereka yang bisa melewati segala godaan?

Oh astaga
Janganlah kiranya aku kalah dengan kata-kata
Biarlah tanganku bekerja dengan benar
Biarlah hatiku bekerja dengan tulus

Karena sesungguhnya
Semua yang kita kerjakan
akan dipertanggungjawabkan kepada Sang Pekerja Sejati sejak awal semesta dijadikan

-ditulis di sela-sela bekerja :)

Kamis, 02 Januari 2020

Hello 2020!


Happy New Year
For somebody, this new year is so challenging
For somebody, this new year is new journey
For somebody, this new year is leaving the past
For somebody, this new year is focused on the future

How about you?

Is that okey if we welcome new year with sadness? depressed? and reflection?
That's okey
We are still human

But, don't take too much time on it
Take it enough
After that, rise up and keep going forward

Like an arrow, we step back to soar further

Take your time.
This year is your time.

Take your time.
Take as long as you need.

Take your time.
Take as you realise that this is your last time.

Take your time
Take as you realise that the biggest and the most valuable thing you can give to someone is your time.

Take your time
Take as you realise that the biggest and the most valuable thing you can give to yourself is your time.

Thank you, myself.
For your hardworking
For being improved and shaped.
For learning everything
For doing your best

Let's do our best this year!